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Games of interest in 2016 and why

Wow. 2016 is going to be heavy on that leathery thing that holds my money and these are the prime suspects in alphabetical order: Brasil...

Legacy games: Excited much?

Who doesn't love destroying stuff? Well, not everyone does. Who doesn't love change? Well, most people don't. Who wants to do the same...

A decision with a meaning!

Of meaningful decisions and why we need them. For me a game is not a game unless you have to make meaningful decisions. I have...

Not so sexy. Sorry.

At times I find myself fighting a tough battle. I am talking about the battle between the will for creating a new game / mechanic / idea...

Play testers and other animals

Notes from a soon to be published board game designer on play testing. In the picture - a 16th centuary endeavoring board game designer...

Dice drafting for everyone!

"I will take this one, my dear madam!" It feels like dice drafting or the shared dice pool has become a go to mechanic for many...

Gallery updates to come

Gallery time! My new board game resolution is bringing the big camera to every game session and capture the games I enjoy in gameplay...

New site is up!

My new site is up :) I'm happy and excited to have this site online to show my activity in the board game world. This includes upcoming...

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