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  • Writer's picturePini Shekhter

Games of interest in 2016 and why

Wow. 2016 is going to be heavy on that leathery thing that holds my money and these are the prime suspects in alphabetical order:

Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro and Paulo Soledade are on my radar. After a wonderful game like Nippon in 2015, anything these guys are doing is a must buy for me. This will probably another medium-heavy euro game from What's Your Game? that will join their ongoing line.

Also, look at that amazing cover art!

You take Castles of Burgundy and put it in a small box I can take with me anywhere? I will have to check that out. If it's as good as the original (that doesn't have such a big box) it's a must buy. Also, as a designer, I'm eager to see how they 'reduced' the board game into a card game.

A game that combines area control with card management in a way that looks very interesting with a modular tile board and tons of replayability. There's a lot of media on this game because it exists since before 2013 and the designer is working on it since about 2007. I hope that it'll come out this year. If it does, I'm getting a copy.

The first REAL legacy from the bottom up game. Rob Daviau's design and storytelling skills combined with the development team of Plaid Hat games should yield nothing less than a masterpiece. No need to say more, just get me a copy will ya?

Look at Vinhos, that is for me Vital Lacerda's best game, and then look at this game. I love the changes that make it more streamlined. I even love the new art, and the fact that the board is not so yellow like in the original.

Two more to go, that I feel I should separate since they are computer game implementation into the board game world.

I used to play Master of Orion 2 in the late 90's and I still believe it has one of the best tech trees ever created for a game. I can't wait to see how this plays out

This computer game feels like a board game. It is good on digital and I believe it'll be great on cardboard.

I don't own many games, only around 30 right now. I am into trading games and selling games I don't play regularly. That means that I will have to play A LOT if I want to keep all the games I'm going to buy and wonder which of the games I currently own are going out.

And that's what I know now, it's only March!


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