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Some time divided


I don't have time to write this, I will do it anyway!

Like most game designers, I have limited time to play, design and develop games. If you're not a famous designer, you are probably not making your living out of designing games and even some of the famous ones keep a full time day job. So we assume you have an X amount of time dedicated to games. You want to: play, design, playtest and develop. Oh, that is assuming you don't have games already down the pipeline, because those might take some of your time as well.

The situation for me now is that I have 3 games going strong that should be out in 2017, I am developing them as they grow and become a reality. 1 game I'm looking to sign. 3 games in design process. 2 games in the idea stage. You can add to that a ton more that were abandoned along the way.

You know what hinders my game design the most? Playing games. It feels like I should clean house before I need to play more. This contradicts me saying that you have to play games in order to design and that you can't design a modern game out the vacuum. You need to feel the sleek touch of a modern board game. Unless you are GMT (which I love!) or Splotter (which I am on the fence about) and your games aim for a different strata of gaming where games have spikes and rough edges.

More than the time playing games consumes, I find that inspires me too much and gives me fresh ideas every time. Fresh ideas to the long process of game design are like a kick to the nether parts. You want to combine these new ideas into your designs and it mostly makes them more complicated and it doesn't fit. Or worse, you start a new design and leave the others behind like a trail of lost memories.

That being said, I can't stop playing. You will not convince me Mr. Responsible Pini. Go back to the pit you came from. You have no power here.

I can't design games when I'm not feeling the joy of playing games and if that means designing slower, so be it! Play games, make games,

have a smile on your face,



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