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Essen - To spiel or not to spiel

Essen is the biggest convention for board gaming in the world. Not in every parameter, but it is in the parameter that matters to me - the amount of games that first see the light of day during the convention. Last year the number was more than 900 games. This year it'll be over 1100 games. There's nothing like it. Can you fathom these numbers?! I cannot.

A mantra I have is that the amount of games that are published every year increases dramatically but the amount of really good games increases in a much slower pace. In Essen I usually wait for specific games for several reasons, here is my list, in no particular order:

The Great Westren Trail

It's Alexander Pfister. No further explanation needed. Don't know who that is? Go look it up :)


After Nippon, I want to see what this design duo can again along with What's Your Game.

Inis I'm not a Kemet or Cyclades fan, but Inis looks to me like the best one from that set of games. Drafting, interaction and good decisions. Sign me up!


I love Suburbia but dislike Castles of Mad King Ludwig. I hope this one from the same creator will be good and interesting.


Vital is not one of my favorite designers since I always feel like the hardship in his games is moving between the hurdles that are the game itself and not the other players. But playing his games is always interesting to say the least.

Oracle of Delphi

A Feld game is always a must try.

A Feast for Odin

Same goes for Uwe you must play each of his games at least twice to know what you think of them.

Railroad Revolution

I'm actually in the playtest group for this one, so for now let's just say it's from one of the designers of Zhanguo, one of my all time favorites.

Deus - Egypt

Will this expansion reignite my love for this game? I wish it will.

Want to meet at Essen?

I am working in the Golden Egg Games booth so you can meet me there. If you want to meet up more seriously for more than a few minutes (because I will be demoing) send me an email to:

Oh! The most important thing, have fun :) Pini!

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